Random: Perfect Dark’s Vision Of 2023 Is Quite Different To The Real Deal

No alien wars, thankfully.

Over the years, narratives in pop culture mediums have hypothesised over how the future might turn out for the human race: in James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1997 would have seen Earth decimated by Skynet’s new-found sentience; Back to the Future Part II visualised a 2015 in which we’d all be cruising around on hoverboards and rocking self-drying jackets; Blade Runner went wild and thought that the year 2019 would see bioengineered replicants roaming about Earth after escaping off-world colonies.

Now, it’s the turn of Perfect Dark. Released back in 2000 for the N64, Rare’s first-person shooter depicted a world set in the year 2023 during which two alien races – the Maians and the Skedar – are locked in an interstellar war. On Earth, two rival corporations known as The Carrington Institute and dataDyne are both in league with the Maians and the Skedar respectively. Joanna Dark, the game’s protagonist, carries out multiple missions including the elimination of a clone of the President, and the destruction of the Skedar leader on the alien homeworld.

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