Random: Undertale Creator Wanted To Help Shigesato Itoi Make Mother 4

“I’d gladly give it my all to help out”.

It’s pretty well known at this point that Toby Fox’s Undertale took quite a bit of inspiration from the Mother / Earthbound series. Heck, you only need to play Undertale for 5 minutes to see the similarities! Fox’s love for the Mother games goes all the way back to his high school days, during which he created ROM hacks such as Earthbound: The Halloween Hack.

Given his adoration of the Mother series, Fox naturally had aspirations of contributing to a potential new game, and even toyed with the idea of asking its creator, Shigesato Itoi, about whether or not he wanted to see a new game come to fruition. Ultimately, after hearing what Ito had to say on the success of Undertale, Fox chose not to bring the subject up.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com