Review: Convergence: A League Of Legends Story – A Fine (But Framey) Metroidvania

It’s rewind time.

It’s been fascinating to observe the kind of variety coming out of Riot Forge, as the publisher has worked tirelessly these last couple of years to produce spin-off games based on the lore of its enormously popular League of Legends MOBA. Since the publisher’s inception, we’ve seen a rhythm game, a JRPG, and a top-down action brawler, and now it has moved into the Metroidvania space for its latest release. Convergence: A League of Legends story may not be a very innovative entry in the genre, but what it lacks in unique vision it makes up for in heart and excellent gameplay.

Convergence is set in the steampunk city of Zaun, following the adventures of a brilliant young inventor named Ekko. Ekko is a wisecracking, scrappy teenager who used a fragment of a magical artifact to design a piece of portable technology he calls the Zero Drive, which allows him to go back in time a few seconds and alter the flow of time around him. Ekko typically spends his days hanging out with his gang and using his Z-Drive to help him keep locals safe from being harassed by local gangs, but things take an interesting turn when he’s suddenly confronted by a much older version of himself. Future Ekko tells of some dark events that came to pass in his timeline that culminated in tragedy, prompting him to try running to the past to stop the calamity before it happens. The duo thus team up to fight for a better future, while Young Ekko tries to learn what he can from his older, wiser self.

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