Mondrian-Inspired Puzzler ‘Please, Touch The Artwork’ Paints A September Release

But will it be value for Monet?

The first rule of art exhibitions is you don’t talk about art exhibi- wait, that’s not right. The first rule of art exhibitions is that you don’t touch the paintings, no matter how poke-able they may look. This new art-based cosy puzzler, Please, Touch the Artwork, lets you finally break that rule (limited to virtual art only, we’re afraid) and it is coming to the Switch eShop on 3rd September. And, better still, you can try out a demo right now on the eShop.

Developed and published by the singular mind of Thomas Waterzooi, this upcming release combines a story mode with zen puzzles all focused on the world of modern art. Many of us have been caught in the past saying “pfft, I could paint that” while walking around a museum, haven’t we? Well, now you can.

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