Review: Another Crab’s Treasure (Switch) – Great Ideas, Crabby Performance

Oh Crab!

Over the years, many games have tried to recreate the precise, difficult nature of FromSoftware’s Dark Souls, a revolutionary title that created the aptly named Soulslike genre. Another Crab’s Treasure, from developer Aggro Crab, is another one of these endeavours, albeit with a significantly more colourful approach compared to the usual intensity of many Soulslikes.

The adventure begins with the introduction of protagonist, Kril, a Hermit Crab living above the surrounding ocean in a small tide pool. Before long, Kril is removed from his precious shell, as he now seemingly owes money to a creature by the name of the Duchess due to new tax laws. A Loan Shark — who takes the form of a plastic Shark-head-on-a-stick toy with a top hat — takes Kril’s shell as collateral, sending the adorable young crustacean on a journey to the depths of the ocean to retrieve his shell and return to his lovely tide pool. The writing is charming and full of witty remarks from the game’s cast of characters, resulting in an engaging narrative that will provide a few laughs here and there.

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