Review: Endless Ocean: Luminous (Switch) – A Meditative Marine Milieu, But Incredibly Shallow

Endless, unfortunately.

There are a whole bunch of, well, let’s say ‘Wii-centric’ video games from the history vaults that, in theory, seem like they might be a bit of fun to revisit on Nintendo Switch. You know the sort of thing, usually pairing some new-fangled/novelty control scheme with an activity you’d never tried in a game before; making cakes, driving a quad bike…eh…bobsleighing with the Jamaican Olympic team? The Endless Ocean series fits right into this mould and, as it turns out, revisiting its chillaxed dives — even with up to 30 other players in tow — wasn’t a very good idea.

Now, before we get into the negative stuff, let’s start by pointing out that if you’re looking for an incredibly low-energy, low-effort sort of gaming experience where all of the focus is on simply scanning marine life and then reading a tiny informational excerpt about each of them in order to expand your underwater knowledge, this is 100% the game for you. In fact, you’ll likely never find another game more suited to your very specific needs. Please enjoy. For the rest of us, as much as learning about all the amazing creatures that live under the sea is a captivating pursuit, we’re not sure we can justify the price tag given that there is precious little else to do here.

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