Review: Tales Of Kenzera: ZAU (Switch) – An Emotional Metroidvania That Plays It Too Safe

Zau do you do?

The best thing we can say about Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is that it’s a decent gateway game into the Metroidvania genre. The Switch is so chock full of incredible titles at this point that it can often be difficult to know where to start (we can help with that too, by the way), but Kenzera provides a relatively breezy 6-7-hour experience that should give you an indication as to whether or not to dip your toes in a bit further. For genre veterans, however, while the gameplay is certainly good enough to see you through to the end, there’s little here that hasn’t already been done elsewhere… and better, too.

What elevates the game, however, is its setting and story. If you’ve been following Tales of Kenzera’s development at all, you’ll know that a great deal of the plot takes inspiration from Sugent Studio’s creative lead, Abubakar Salim, and his personal experience dealing with parental loss. Incidentally, Salim (a stage and screen actor and the voice of Bayek in Assassin’s Creed Origins) also provides the voice for protagonist Zau, and we have to commend the voiceover work as a whole; it’s brilliantly done throughout and helps the plot resonate a lot more than if we were merely reading lines of dialogue.

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